Marketing Agency

leading chain of Preschools

This case study stands as a testament to the power of combining quality content and well-executed PPC campaigns in achieving remarkable business results

Ultimate guide to marketing for educational institutions


transforming admissions

A reputed educational institution was facing a significant challenge in attracting new students for their programs. Despite offering high-quality education, their admission numbers were declining. The previous year’s admission intake had only yielded 5 students, far below their expectations and needs.


What we did

Mylstone’s approach addressed the need for tailored landing pages, engaging content creation, and impactful PPC campaigns across multiple platforms while considering the multiple branches. 

Mylstone integrated strategic content management and targeted pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to boost admissions, establish a stronger online footprint, and position the Institution as a preferred choice among prospective students.


our success

The implementation of our strategic content management and pay-per-click services yielded remarkable outcomes:

  1. Admissions surged from 5 to 25 students, a 400% increase compared to the previous year.
  2. Organic website traffic soared due to engaging and relevant content across various platforms.
  3. PPC campaigns achieved substantial click-through rates and conversions, directly contributing to heightened admissions.
  4. Social media engagement flourished, cultivating a community of students, parents, and educators.
  5. Personalized landing pages and pertinent content enhanced the user experience, resulting in extended website visits and improved conversion rates.

As a testament to the strategy’s success, One of the branches achieved over 100 student admissions, a milestone not previously attained.

Our Approach.
Paid Ads & Social media management.

Approach – Services Offered


  1. In-depth keyword research pinpointed high-intent keywords related to education, courses, and Academy’s programs.
  2. Targeted Google Ads campaigns were launched, aligning with users actively seeking educational opportunities. Ad groups were tailored to match specific courses, maximizing relevancy and click-through rates.
  3. Social media ad campaigns run on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, targeting users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  4. Ad creatives highlighted the academy’s brand, benefits, and student success stories, encouraging users to explore programs and visit the landing page. 

Content marketing

  1. A thorough assessment of Institution’s offerings and target audience was conducted, revealing unique selling points that resonated with potential Parents.
  2. Customized landing pages were developed for specialized programs, providing tailored experiences and showcasing program benefits, faculty expertise, and safety.
  3. A content calendar ensured a consistent stream of relevant content, including blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos, positioning the Institution as an industry thought leader.
  4. Engaging content was shared on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to foster a community around Institution.

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