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Events Organized


International Events


Destination Weddings


Years of Experience


Events Organized


International Events


Destination Weddings


Years of Experience
About Us

We Plan & Design Events
That Capture the Imagination

Freez Cool Events has collaborated with some of the most recognisable names in media and event management since its beginning in the year 2000. We’ve made amazing progress, utilising the unique, distinctive and customized services we offer based on the particular requirements of the client. High-quality on-demand infrastructure has always been delivered by us on time.

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Exclusive Design by Best Florists

The floristry business has a significant market in the corporate and social event world, as flowers play a large part in the decor of special events and meetings

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Manivannan Balachandar

All of your event management service requirements can be met in a single place -“Freez Cool”. For my wedding event planning, I worked with Freez Cool. Everything, from the decorations to the catering, was done on time. Mr. Siva Kumar is the best when it comes to trust and dependability.

Ramya Harman

We hired Freez Cool for our Conference.  The hall was too crooked, and there were no good options for AC infrastructure. Mr. Siva had an unusual proposition. I must say that this type of knowledge is reserved for those who have been in the industry for a longer period of time. I’ve since hired Freez Cool and their team for all of my subsequent events.

Anand Babu

Freez cool and their expert team of professionals are always brimming with ideas. We didn’t have to be concerned about anything. Everything went smoothly, and the management team was fantastic. I really appreciate their adaptability. Total value for money with quality work and the best services.


All of your event management service requirements can be met in a single place -"Freez Cool". For my wedding event planning, I worked with Freez Cool. Everything, from the decorations to the catering, was done on time. Mr. Siva Kumar is the best when it comes to trust and dependability.

Manivannan Balachandar
Manivannan Balachandar

Freez cool and their expert team of professionals are always brimming with ideas. We didn't have to be concerned about anything. Everything went smoothly, and the management team was fantastic. I really appreciate their adaptability. Total value for money with quality work and the best services.

Name 2

We hired Freez Cool for our Conference.  The hall was too crooked, and there were no good options for AC infrastructure. Mr. Siva had an unusual proposition. I must say that this type of knowledge is reserved for those who have been in the industry for a longer period of time. I've since hired Freez Cool and their team for all of my subsequent events.

Name 3

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Magic in every story

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